Image illustrative de The Straits
Image illustrative de The Straits

The Straits

Set among the turquoise waters of Australia's Torres Strait, The Straits follows the life of a criminal family as they smuggle drugs into Australia and exotic wildlife out through blood ties in the Torres Strait Islands.

Terminée Australienne 60 minutes
Drame, Drama ABC1, ABC (AU) 2012

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.07 - Poison


Fresh out of hospital, Harry reasserts his authority. Sissi is falling for Thomson and gets him a job exterminating cane toads at the wildlife farm. Marou is still feeling deeply wounded by Harry’s regard for him. In an effort to earn his father’s respect, he organises a way to restore the family’s desperate cashflow. At home, Kitty learns things about her husband she’d rather not know.

Diffusion originale : 08 mars 2012

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Diffusion française : 08 mars 2012
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